If left untreated, acid reflux can cause many additional complaints a veterinarian may want to listen to your dog’s chest after a feeding to identify whether acid reflux might be occurring if acid reflux is suspected, an endoscopy may be done endoscopy involves sedating the dog and viewing the esophagus with a camera on a long, flexible scope. Acid reflux in old dogs. Younger dogs seem to be more at risk than older dogs, probably because their muscles may not be totally developed how acid reflux is diagnosed the most effective method for determining acid reflux in dogs is by the use of an esophagoscopy.
acid reflux in old dogs
Acid reflux in dogs is similar to ‘heart-burn’ in humans and can affect any dog at any age, although, younger dogs do seem to be more predisposed to this condition it can cause discomfort, pain, nausea, vomiting or regurgitation and may even cause your dog to stop eating.