Saturday, February 6, 2021

Acid Reflux Causing Increased Heart Rate

Dr sethi further explains, “anxiety may be a cause of increased heart rate if the symptoms of gerd make one anxious, gerd can be an indirect cause of elevated resting heart rate” for instance, if acid reflux is causing a burning or aching sensation in your chest or upper abdomen, this symptom can create an uneasy feeling or anxiety. Acid reflux causing increased heart rate. For most people, the term "acid reflux" goes hand in hand with heartburn that’s because the burn of the acid is likely to be felt in the lower portion of the esophagus, in the region of the heart but acid reflux can also cause heart palpitations and other disturbances, such as chest pain.

acid reflux causing increased heart rate

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Re: increased heart rate from prilosec? i believe the increased heart rate can be due to an allergic reaction to the medication, which i believe would be pretty severe i think you would be experiencing other symptoms if this were the case. I was diagnosed with acid reflux about four years ago and have managed it on my own for a long time. but recently it's gotten really bad and now it's accompanied by rapid heart rate. at some points my heart goes up to 140. i have been to the er three times and every time they tell me i'm fine.. Sometimes, acid reflux occurs together with shortness of breath. in some cases, acid reflux causes shortness of breath. people who have gastroesophageal reflux disease may be at increased risk of.

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