Friday, March 11, 2022

Keto Diet Giving Me Acid Reflux

The keto diet may also spell trouble if you have acid reflux researchers have shown that acid reflux symptoms appear more frequently after consumption of foods that are high in fat. Keto diet giving me acid reflux. Lisa writes: “i recently came across a diet that’s supposed to help with acid reflux in this diet, you cut way back on carbohydrates and replace those calories with fat.

keto diet giving me acid reflux

The longer you are on a “diet” i find you get lazy in a way and need to go back to the basics i have been on a keto diet for over a year now and have had amazing progress just a little background for you, i have had issues with gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) since i was 16, over 10 years. In short, i have silent reflux, my ent gave me a sheet with food suggestions, and a lot of them are not keto friendly, in fact, it's anti-keto because it's saying to avoid heavily fatty food. it does say to avoid a lot of sugary stuff, but nothing about carbs specifically in the way it says to avoid fatty food.. Yes, i can confirm on high fat/low carb diet my acid reflux disappeared completely, almost immediately, after suffering for approximately 8 years (now aged 52 female). i have recently lapsed from my high fat/low carb diet and the acid reflux has returned. it is horrible, other unpleasant symptoms of ibs have returned too..

more info keto diet giving me acid reflux---> click here