Sunday, July 24, 2022

Acid Reflux In Toddlers Treatment

Most babies spit up sometimes, even several times a day but when vomiting causes other problems or comes with other symptoms, it may be due to acid reflux, also called gastroesophageal reflux. Acid reflux in toddlers treatment. However, a short-term trial of an acid-blocking medication — such as cimetidine (tagamet hb) or famotidine (pepcid ac) for infants ages 1 month to 1 year or omeprazole magnesium (prilosec) for children ages 1 year or older — might be recommended if your baby: has poor weight gain and more-conservative treatments haven't worked; refuses to feed.

acid reflux in toddlers treatment

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Most babies outgrow reflux by age 1, with less than 5% continuing to have symptoms as toddlers however, gerd can also occur in older children however, gerd can also occur in older children. The procedure, called fundoplication, is usually reserved for babies whose reflux causes severe breathing problems or prevents growth. the bottom line acid reflux in an infant is a treatable. The antacids neutralize stomach acid, and the h2 blockers stop the stomach from creating acid. by the time the antacids wear off, the h2 blockers are controlling the acid in the stomach. don’t give your child or teen over-the-counter h2 blockers without first checking with his or her doctor..

more info acid reflux in toddlers treatment---> click here