Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Uvula Causing Acid Reflux

Damage from acid reflux or frequent throwing up as your uvula heals, the swelling will go down your doctor may also suggest pain medication or anti-inflammatory drugs to help with symptoms. Uvula causing acid reflux. Some causes of this type of swelling require the use of prescription medications, and it is always wise to rule out any severe medical issues acid reflux may be the cause of a swollen uvula a swollen uvula may be a symptom of a severe allergic reaction to medication.

uvula causing acid reflux

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Swollen uvula after drinking, smoking, and vomiting

Injury to the uvula or the throat area; acid reflux; too much smoking and alcohol can also lead to mouth irritation, which can result in uvulitis general anesthesia can cause irritation and a. Chronic acid reflux or vomiting will cause acid in the throat. “this will irritate the throat and uvula, potentially causing swelling and inflammation,” says clare morrison, md, general. Smoking: smoking can cause a dry throat, which can cause uvulitis and also acts as an irritant and pollutant, increasing the risk of swollen uvula. acid reflux and vomiting: acid reflux and.

more info uvula causing acid reflux---> click here