A dry throat may be a symptom of acid reflux the acid in the food pipe causes a burning, dry throat, as well as: the acid in the food pipe causes a burning, dry throat, as well as: trouble swallowing. Acid reflux and dry throat. To manage a sore throat that accompanies acid reflux, it’s more effective to treat the underlying cause: gerd both over-the-counter (otc) and prescription medications work by eliminating.
acid reflux and dry throat
A dry throat is a common symptom, especially during cold winter months when the air is dry and upper respiratory infections are spreading the backup of acid is called acid reflux acid burns. Sore throat. acid reflux can irritate the throat. common symptoms include: sore throat; hoarse voice; dry cough is a common symptom of reflux in children and adults. adults may also experience. Acid reflux occurs when acid leaks up from the stomach back up into the esophagus. when this happens, the acid can irritate the airways, causing them to swell..