Friday, April 22, 2022

Acid Reflux And Cervical Lymph Nodes

I also have constat post nasal drip and have to clear my throat all the time my tongue is white but my throat and tongue seldom got burns from the acid reflux what drives me crazy is that 2 weeks ago i notice there's yet another lymph node pops up on the right side of my neck it is also painless and movable, and it is rougly 1 - 15 cm. Acid reflux and cervical lymph nodes. Question: can acid reflux (gerd) cause tosilitis and swelling of nodes in the neck and swelling neck nodes? i am having gerd diagnosed for last one month and taking medicine for it rabeprazole and ranitidine 10 days ago went to ent because of tonsilitis and node swelling and he prescribed me moxfloxacin tonsilitis reduced then after taking medicine again it appeared today with little pain.

acid reflux and cervical lymph nodes

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Acid reflex should not directly cause the lymph nodes to swell however as the reflex causes the throat to be more prone to infection (by damaging the throat lining with the acidic ph of the gastric contents) thereby once there are repeated episodes of infections, yes the nodes can swell. Can acid reflux disease cause painful, swollen lymph nodes? i've been to see an ent four times since october and she seems confident all i need to do is adjust my medication and diet. i've had a sharp pain on the left side of my throat that comes and goes since last june, when i first started seeing my general practioner about it.. I've had swollen lymph nodes on my neck for about a year and a half. a couple others on this forum, i found out, have had similar problems. i just wanted to see if any others are having it now or if those who were having it have gotten any better/worse. i ask because i'm still a little worried about the lymph nodes and have recently been itching like crazy which is one symptom of lymphoma. so.

more info acid reflux and cervical lymph nodes---> click here