Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Can Acid Reflux Cause Spitting Up Blood

Spitting blood: spitting up blood can be a serious complication of acid reflux - if the blood is arising from your esophagus or your stomach, then you have a bleeding read more 0. Can acid reflux cause spitting up blood. If you have acid reflux, the acid in your stomach comes up the esophagus to your throat this can result in throat irritation and postnasal drip, along with chest congestion allergies allergies.

can acid reflux cause spitting up blood

What Causes Acid Reflux?

What causes acid reflux?

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If it happens in small amounts, spitting up blood is often harmless; however, if you are coughing or spitting up a large amount of blood, or spit up blood for more than a week, you could be suffering from a serious medical condition spitting up blood can caused by conditions that affect the gastrointestinal or respiratory tract. If your only symptom is excess saliva, can this be caused by gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease)?. excess saliva can be caused by a number of conditions, but can this symptom be the only presentation of acid reflux? “gerd is a condition that causes an abnormal amount of acid to reside in the esophagus,” says jay desai, md, who specializes in colon cancer screening, upper endoscopy and. Acid reflux is a condition that occurs when acid from the stomach moves upward into the food pipe. the acid causes irritation of the tissue lining, which leads to heartburn – a burning sensation.

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